At the event in Slovenia we talked about discrimination against Roma minority in Slovakia
On 4 March 2024, we participated remotely online in an event in Slovenia, where we presented our report “Equality in accessing to justice – Removing barriers for Roma in pursuing their rights in cases of discrimination” together with our partner organisations Minority Rights Group Europe and EPEKA, Slovenia.
The report offers an up-to-date perspective on discrimination against Roma minority in Slovakia and Slovenia. It also draws insights from our intensive monitoring of human rights violations in excluded Roma communities in eastern Slovakia in 2023 and our provision of free legal aid in many of these cases.
At the event, we shared insights from our intensive monitoring of human rights violations in excluded Roma communities in eastern Slovakia in 2023 and the provision of free legal aid in many of these cases.
We also presented a number of recommendations for government institutions in Slovakia and the national equality body, in order to address persistent gaps.
You can read the report here.
The report was published and presented in cooperation with partner NGOs Minority Rights Group Europe and EPEKA, Slovenia within the project “Promoting Roma equality in Slovenia and Slovakia”. Funded by the European Union.