We presented our report on discrimination against Roma minority
Yesterday, at an event in Košice, we presented our new report, which offers an up-to-date perspective on discrimination against Roma minority in Slovakia and Slovenia. Its findings are also based on our intensive monitoring of human rights violations in excluded Roma communities in eastern Slovakia in 2023 and provising free legal aid in many of these cases.
Among other things, the report presents:
- the ongoing exposures of discrimination against Roma documented by our Roma colleagues in the field,
- selected cases of discrimination and other violations of the rights of Roma in which our colleague lawyer provided free legal aid to the victims,
- documented cases of discrimination that we brought to the attention of the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights, which continued to be legally involved in them as a national equality body on the basis of our complaints.
The report also contains a number of recommendations not only for the national equality body, but also for state authorities at government level that can improve the protection of the Roma minority from discrimination and their access to justice in this area. We hope that the responsible institutions will give them the necessary attention.
You can read the report here.
We would like to thank the participants of the event for their active participation and the lawyers of the Slovak National Centre for Human Rights for their presentation at the event.
The report was published and presented in cooperation with partner organisations Minority Rights Group Europe and EPEKA, Slovenia within the project “Promoting Roma equality in Slovakia and Slovenia”. Funded by the European Union.
Author of photos: Ján Varchola