Veronika lives in the Roma community in Jarovnice. In 2000, during the birth of her second child, she was sterilized by caesarean section without giving informed consent. In 2011, after a long effort, with our legal support, she sought justice at the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Illegal sterilization is a fundamental interference with the reproductive rights of every woman and is one of the forms of violence against women. Sterilization can never be considered a life-saving act and as such can only be performed with the free decision and consent of a woman.

Veronika, together with other Romani women, is committed to pursuing justice for all illegally sterilized women. With our support, he is pushing for the adoption of a law that would compensate all injured women. Her determination and efforts to assert her rights and promote the rights of other Romani women deserve admiration.

In this video, Veronika answered the question – why it is important to stand up for your rights. We believe that it inspires as many people as possible to stand up for their rights.

Thanks for sharing this video.

Author of the video: Ján Varchola for the Center for Civil and Human Rights (Poradňa)