On the occasion of the International Human Rights Day, the Public Defender of Rights (Ombudswoman) awarded us the 2021 “Ombudsman’s Thank you” prize for our long-term contribution to the protection of the human rights of the Roma minority in Slovakia.

The Public Defender of Rights by awarding us with this prize:

  • thanked us for our twenty-year struggle in the field of protection of the human rights of Roma minority in Slovakia;
  • appreciated our tireless fight against discrimination or police violence;
  • highlighted in particular our activities in the field of illegal sterilization of Roma women;
  • perceives efforts and legislative and practical changes as a result of our many years of work and pressure;
  • our free legal aid to vulnerable people is, in her view, demonstrated our commitment to the protection of human rights;
  • also appreciates our long-term monitoring and research activities, which provide the Slovak public with more information about human rights violations against the Roma minority;
  • according to her, proof of the importance of our activities are also the groundbreaking decisions of the European Court of Human Rights or the statements of representatives of international organizations on the observance of human rights of Roma minority in Slovakia.

The award is an encouragement to us in our further work. We would like to stress, that this price also belongs to the many Roma, who closely cooperate with us and without whom we could do our work.

The award is also a commitment for us. We will continue to support Roma, whose rights are being violated. We will push for state institutions to take effective measures to eliminate discrimination, police violence and violations of reproductive rights in Slovakia.